• Was it an accident, Stan?
    • 0.65
  • The Joker is ridiculed
    • 6.00
  • Can I get a new one?
    • 0.60
  • Evacuating the area
    • 6.00
  • The mountain of grown-ups
    • 0.57
  • Worked up kid
    • 1.21
  • The night before christmas panic
    • 6.00
  • Santa girls
    • 3.80
  • Christmas coach
    • 6.00
  • Rear-ended
    • 1.22
  • A brothel would have been better
    • 6.00
  • Remember this!
    • 6.00
  • Primitive man love
    • 4.80
  • A favor for a favor
    • 1.22
  • Flatfish brassiere
    • 1.04
  • Humiliated bear
    • 4.50
  • Needle in a haystack
    • 6.00
  • Call in the union!
    • 6.00
  • Mouse on mouse
    • 6.00
  • Mucking out the stables
    • 1.22