• Wumo 20. Oct 2016
    • 0.19
  • Wumo 19. Oct 2016
    • 0.34
  • This spearfishing lark has gone too far
    • 0.43
  • How to save the cost of a selfie stick
    • 0.27
  • An artist can come in all shapes and sizes
    • 0.43
  • When Pegasus met some other horses
    • 0.18
  • Why we need strict gun laws
    • 0.45
  • Adult diapers needed
    • 0.63
  • The sign that a minority really gets accepted
    • 0.18
  • Ants all over the food
    • 0.28
  • You need reading glasses, mate
    • 0.15
  • So now the mouse hole isn't good enough for you, huh?!
    • 0.32
  • Men on a Saturday night
    • 0.22
  • Too much privileged enjoyment
    • 0.27
  • Wanderlust year 1500 and now
    • 0.20
  • I'm digesting prey, damnit!
    • 0.32
  • Eating MY dessert won't make you less fat
    • 0.23
  • That is what a newborn baby looks like
    • 0.15
  • You got your wall, Trump!
    • 0.09
  • The reason why you're not a naturally gifted dancer
    • 0.43