• You need to work on your people skills, doc!
    • 0.19
  • The concept of "intimacy"
    • 0.65
  • Disillusioned architects
    • 0.43
  • The creative process that led to TMNT!
    • 0.36
  • Product development in Peru
    • 0.22
  • A house in a maze
    • 0.54
  • Buddy needs clean teeth too!
    • 1.25
  • Probably making some sort of kale kombucha
    • 0.19
  • The knife and fork yokel
    • 1.25
  • The little baby steps in becoming a gourmet
    • 4.33
  • I clean my room when you clean up your act!
    • 0.41
  • A deal is struck!
    • 0.45
  • Don't ever change, Tiktaalik!
    • 0.71
  • Drunk and deaf
    • 1.25
  • Penguin at Carnegie Hall
    • 0.39
  • He's storing FUN for winter
    • 0.56
  • The arms industries show their inhumanity
    • 0.62
  • I'll have what he's having!
    • 1.67
  • We're setting up camp, son!
    • 0.34
  • The cows are to blame!
    • 0.45